Disc One
1) >intro<
2) Soup Is Good Food
3) Hellnation
4) This Could Be Anywhere (This Could Be Everywhere)
5) >chat<
6) When You Get Drafted
7) Terminal Preppie
8) MTV Get Off the Air
9) A Child and His Lawnmower
10) >chat<
11) Jock-o-Rama
12) Moral Majority
Disc Two
13) >chat<
14) Kill the Poor
15) >chat<
16) Macho Insecurity
17) >chat<
18) Police Truck
19) >chat<
20) Goons of Hazard
21) >chat w\ Truckin’ tease<
22) Government Flu
23) Bleed for Me
24) >chat<
25) Short Songs
26) Nazi Punks Fuck Off
A smokin’ set of a tape that has seen some circulation, but never from this low of a gen, as far as I know.
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